Amway Business successful is depending on your effort and consistency, you may need more partners to help you sell your products or services. You might have to add deep multi-level networking. And you’ll probably want a system to more fully manage the new customers, prospects, partners, and other resources. But without marketing and fulfillment plans, these other resources are obsolete.
The Know-How Deficit
often times, the real factor holding up small business growth is one little challenge: know-how. As a small business owner you have a million different marketing and sales directions you could pursue. Do you focus more on partners? Internet and web marketing? Branching out locally? social media? events? Webinars? Etc. I call this jumbled mess of possibilities the “fish farm.” Lots of shiny things to chase – not sure which ones to really focus on. It’s the same phenomenon you experience as
a kid in the candy shop. You know you want something, but it’s impossible to pick one type of candy over another.
How can you possibly make marketing and sales decisions when you:
1. Have no idea what will work for your business
2. May not know how to implement new ideas and strategies
3. Don’t have enough time to incorporate these strategies into your business
Unless you really do your research, you could end up on the wrong path having wasted time and money, and with nothing to show for your efforts. Focusing on the wrong things could be even more detrimental to your business growth than doing nothing at all! now don’t get me wrong. Just because growth is difficult to achieve doesn’t mean it’s impossible. When you understand and embrace the right ways of growing, you will find yourself on the road to unlimited possibilities. I’ll show you how to get on the road in just a minute. First let me demonstrate why so many small business owners, are unable to achieve the “next level” in their businesses.